human trafficking

what is human trafficking

Human trafficking is the act of forcing/putting human beings into illegal things. It is the trade of humans for illegal acts such as forced labour, sexual exploitation, sexual slavery etc.

types of human trafficking
sexual exploitation

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation is sexual abuse to mostly children and the youth through the exchange of sexual acts: Child pornography, prostitution of children, selling of children to sexual slavery. This is used for financial gain/ money gain.

domestic exploitation

Domestic Servitude

Domestic servitude is a form of forced labour and exploitation which involves live-in works such as maid, nannies, and other domestic help. People who do Domestic servitude are forced to work long hard hours and in return, they receive little pay. Abuse may also be involved.

labour exploitation

Labour Exploitation

Labour exploitation is when people, all ages, any gender, are forced to work in poor conditions and receive very little pay. They are threatened with abuse, exposure to immigration authorities, control of their identity papers and others. Labour exploitation involves many services such as construction, factory work, manufacturing, and others. This is one of the most common types of human trafficking that occurs.

forced marriage

Forced Marriage

Forced marriage occurs when someone is forced to marry someone else they might not love or do not know. They are put under pressure and are threatened with violence (physical and sexual).

organ harvesting

Organ Harvesting

Organ Harvesting is when human organs are taken out of the body and are sold through illegal trade. The common organs that are sold are the kidney and liver. The organs are taken out of humans that either agreed to sell their organ but never got paid, people that are kidnapped, people that just got their organs taken out without their permission.

criminal exploitation

Forced Criminality

Forced Criminality happens when someone is forced and threatened to do a criminal activity such as drug trading: selling drugs illegally, pickpocketing, bag snatching, ATM theft, etc. Forced criminality also has an effect on social welfare by taking individuals' money to have a financial gain.

child soldier

Child Soldiers

Child soldiers occur when youth and children ranging from the ages 4-18, both female and male are used for any military acts. Child soldiers are made to commit acts of violence such as suicide bombers, human shields, fighters, spies, etc. The children used in this are also used for sexual purposes.

how it occurs

Human trafficking usually occurs when traffickers find their victims through online contact such as Facebook and other social media formats, kidnapping, commercial/ads/newspapers and forcing them into exploitation works. People that live in poverty have high risks of being involved in trafficking works so that they can get money. Traffickers that have forced People into exploitation have the power and control to scare them through:


- Harming the victims family members
- Exposure of the victim
- Report the victim to police or immagration authorities


Sexual- Treating the victim as an object, forcing them to have sex multiple times.

Physical- Slapping, kicking, burning (all types of torture), cancelling the amount of food and water the victim intakes

Economical - Taking the money the victim has earned, adding more unnecessary debts to pay

Emotional- Calling and humiliating the victim, calling them names and blaming them for everything.


- Not allowing the victim to contact their family members
- Not allowing the victim to learn english
- Moving them to different locations


- Harming victims in front of other victims
- Displaying weapons